Thanksgiving Week LINE-UP November 14, 2023Alexis Garrett It's that time of year again....eeeek we have been getting ready for months + are soooo excited to share our line up for this years Thanksgiving Week happenings!
Warehouse Renovation November 06, 2023Alexis Garrett Take a peek at our warehouse renovation + the amazing transformation of our beautiful new expansion space on 15th Street! Come by + take a tour to see for yourself our newest piece...
Ambassador Launch | Texas Style October 25, 2023Alexis Garrett Our most recent trip to Texas was oh so fun…we traveled south to explore + experience a few things. First + foremost, we had our first Ambassador Launch with our Texas...
XO CLUB details... October 13, 2023Alexis Garrett I wanted to share a few details about XO CLUB for you newbies + those interested in becoming an XO CLUB member! Hit PLAY + get in on Octobers promo NOW!
RE-STYLE is back! September 30, 2023Alexis Garrett What is Re-Style you might ask?! It’s our little way of re-selling your previously loved handbags.Starting now through October, bring in your gently used Alexis Drake handbag, free of stains...
My every day go-to for heading into the shop! August 28, 2023Alexis Garrett The Charlotte can easily tote everything along for a weekend holiday in the mountains or French countryside aside from hauling it to the office. Perfect size for a picnic lunch...
XO CLUB IS BACK!!!! August 03, 2023Alexis Garrett This year is better than ever… XO CLUB is BACK again with all sorts of awesomeness! We had so much fun last year, that we knew we just had to...
Gigi Pip Hats July 25, 2023Alexis Garrett We are thrilled to have our favorite hats come to town + spend a few days with us during CFD. GIGI PIP will be parked out front of our downtown...
Wyoming Heritage July 24, 2023Alexis Garrett If you stop by our downtown Cheyenne retail space you will notice a mixture of old + new photographs on the wall. Along side our beautiful colorful models, you will...