So many have asked, “How do I care for my handbag?” Well, truthfully, other than carry it often, not much. When you touch the leather, the oils from your skin soak into the leather and leave it with the most beautiful patina. That is true for all of our leather goods, bracelets, belts, straps, wallets and of course the handbags.
Now, I know there are times when you want to soften or protect your leather a bit more. Perhaps after a season of storage or an accidental dip in water or just because you think it needs it.
We are so excited about our partnership with Drop Forge, to offer a line of leather cream just for you. This leather cream is a semi-thick wax conditioner that offers superior protection and restoration. Ideal for all of our leathers, especially those used often and exposed to the elements.
Handmade in the USA, with all natural ingredients – the leather cream is so amazing, you will want to cover everything in it--- a great hand cream as well. We have been using it for a while now and can’t get enough.
We are thrilled to offer the Leather Cream in 1 oz tins and look to offer bigger sizes in the future.
For you, our amazing customers AND for a limited time, we are including a free Leather Cream with EACH handbag purchase.
What I need from you, today, is for you to let me know in the comments, if you are interested in bigger tins. We want to stock what you will use, so in the comments, please tell us if you would like, 1 oz, 4 oz or 6 oz tins. The bigger tins will last a while, but between handbags, leather goods, boots, shoes, leather furniture, etc. --- you have lots to cover.
Have a great weekend---I know its Friday eve…AND cheers to those on or looking forward to spring break!
1 comment
I’d like to see the price difference. Would depend on what colors I need, too.