The Inspiration…
How do we come up with our collections? This answer to this question changes all the time. Inspiration for me, comes in many different ways. Sometimes its artwork that I have been scribbling or new leathers that we have come across. Many times combinations come out of pairings that simply look amazing together. This is how I feel with most of this Mini-May collection.
For those of you who were able to get your hands on the hand-painted posy Genevieve wallets, you have seen how fun the color and variation of the artwork is. We thought we would play around with the graffiti in the same way. You see the same in our lining….the bright, colorful strokes of the letters on the pale veg tan leather are a perfect pairing with our new pebble leathers.
The contrast in our everyday leathers and the pebble is such a fun play on texture. We chose to really highlight the contrast and celebrate our every day leathers for the final month.
Did you know you will have new leathers to customize with come June 1st? We can’t wait to show you these lovelies……I know you will fall head over heels with them…I know I already have. Stay tuned….sneak peeks are coming next week!